The Spin I'm In

I woke up suddenly Sunday morning with the room spinning wildly. It was like falling off the tilt-a-whirl. I remember the spins from my drinking days; having to dangle one leg out of the side of the bed touching the floor with my toes to make it stop. This was like that only MUCH more extreme. And I don't drink. So it was especially frightening.
I nudged Barry. I was terrified. I tried to focus on the window thinking that if I could just lock my eyes on one thing, I would be okay. But that didn't work. And it was making me nauseous...all that spinning. And I had to go to the bathroom. I knew I couldn't possibly walk so Barry helped me get there and waited for me, walking me back to the bed.
I honestly thought that this was the beginning of my decline. I mean, how does anyone drive their car if this kind of thing can happen at any time?
It happened one more time on Sunday when I tried to lay down for a nap. By Sunday night I was afraid to go to bed since it only seemed to happen when I was reclining. Finally, exhausted, I forced myself to pull the covers back and climb in. Nothing happened. I slept.
Yesterday I went to the doctor half expecting him to tell me that I have a brain tumor or something like that. But it turns out its BPV (benign positional vertigo). And it MAY never happen again. But just in case it does, I have some pills to help.
That was great news. And to top it all off, the Democrats took control of Congress and are on the brink of taking the Senate as well and just when I thought it couldn't get any better than that Donald Rumsfeld resigned today. Now if only Dick Cheney and George Bush would ride off into the sunset or go hunting together or something.
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