Saints preserve us!

Okay first of all let me say I’m not exactly known for being a football fan. And although I love the Saints just because they are the home town team, I’ve only been to a couple of games at the Dome and watched about half a dozen on t.v.
However, since returning from my evacucation last year I’m as crazed as anyone about the black and gold. Seriously. I’m in my living room watching every play and I don’t even want to hit the pause button on my Tivo for a bathroom break for fear that everyone else in the world will know what happens next before I do.
Monday Night Football did it for me. Well, that 24 hour period actually did it for me. The Saints return to the Superdome. The entire city in black and gold. The streets crowded with people celebrating our city, our football team and really just ourselves. It felt like the entire world was pulling for us and given the history of our team, my thought was "If they don’t win another game this season, please God, let them win this one!" And they didn’t disappoint. I actually started to have hope.
And now, every touchdown sends me into emotional overdrive. But the Reggie Bush touchdown on Sunday was miraculously beautiful and in spite of the liberal dose of antidepressants I've injested since the storm, my eyes welled up and my throat constricted and I felt something close to real joy.
And there is at least ONE Bush in the world who has my respect and affection.
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